WAVE Living Lab in Nürtingen, Germany

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Greetings from the river Neckar in Nürtingen, video prepared by the IMLA WAVE project team Gabriel, Yana, Digjam, Titiksha, Manasviben

{{#evu:https://vimeo.com/680773820 |alignment=inline |dimensions=300 |description= A drone flight over the river Neckar in Nürtingen prepared by the IMLA WAVE project team Gabriel, Yana, Digjam, Titiksha, Manasviben}}

{{#evu:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S2XYMM1C4c |alignment=inline |dimensions=300 |description= Dr. Ellen Fetzer explains the concept of green infrastructure on the example of the river Neckar and the fish pass}}

The Nürtingen WAVE Living Lab

Water landscapes on the river Neckar in Nürtingen, Germany
WAVE Living Labs aim at addressing several Sustainable Development Goals in an integrated way

Nürtingen is part of Greater Stuttgart Region in the southwest of Germany. Greater Stuttgart Region comprises 179 municipalities in a polycentric structure around the urban centres of Stuttgart, Ludwigsburg, Esslingen and Böblingen. The regional economy is very strong and provides numerous high-skilled jobs, especially in the production of the region’s emblematic cars and sophisticated machines.

As a consequence, people from other areas of Baden-Württemberg, the rest of Germany, Europe and the entire world are attracted by the prospect of finding a well-paid job in the regional economy. But the economic success of the urban centres in the Stuttgart region creates high pressures on scarce resources. Both the expanding industry and the housing needs of a rising population require space. The region’s average density of around 720 inhabitants/km² is already high and bound to increase. With a lenght of 362 kilometres Neckar River is a major landscape element in the southwest of Germany with a long history of settlement and cultural identities.

In this socio-economic context, the water areas of Nürtingen play a significant role for sustainable development. The city is not only located at the river Neckar, it also includes some important tributaries: Steinach, Aich and Tiefenbach. Altogether, these water bodies form the local catchment area that also constitutes the flood risk areas and potential ecogical corridors. Urbanisation of the past centuries has seen a profound transformation of the local riverscapes. Accessibility is difficult or impossible in many areas and also the ecological quality is challenged.

The Nürtingen Living Lab has therefore the following objectives:

  • Generate knowledge about the local water areas, their system context, challenges and opportuntities
  • To address these topics in project-based learning settings offered by Nürtingen-Geislingen University
  • To include local stakeholders and citizens in this knowledge creation process
  • To generate and communicate alternative futures for the river landscapes
  • To contribute this way to various SDGs, in particular 'Sustainable Cities and Communities', 'Life on Land', Life under Water' and 'Quality Education'

Impressions from our rivers

Location and scope

  • The Area of study is Nuertingen represented with the maps below.
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WAVE Living Lab Projects 2021 - Nürtingen Waterscapes

Wave Team 1 Nürtingen 2021

Wave Team 2 Nürtingen 2021

Wave Team 3 Nürtingen 2021

Wave Team 4 Nürtingen 2021

Wave Team 5 Nürtingen 2021

Wave Team 6 Nürtingen 2021

Living Lab Activties in 2021 - Citizens workshop, interventions and exhibition

Understanding the water landscape: Weblinks, Maps and Geodata


The WAVE Project has been (partially) funded by the ERASMUS+ grant program of the European Union under grant no. 2020-1-RO01-KA203-080122. Neither the European Commission nor the project's national funding agency are responsible for the content or liable for any losses or damage resulting of the use of these resources.