WAVE Seminar Reading List
Accessing WAVE Lecture Recordings
- WAVE Online Seminar Lecture Slides and Recordings 2022
- WAVE Online Seminar Lecture Slides and Recordings 2021
Water as a dynamic phenonemon
Water and the water cycle
- USGS’s Where is Earth's Water?
- USGS’s How Much Water is There on Earth?
- USGS’s Water Cycle (multilingual)
A bit on geomorphology
Some explanatory videos:
{{#evu:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3J8yK9wBFk |alignment=inline |dimensions=300 |description= What are floodplains? (Geog Raphy) }} {{#evu:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PBT4OEJfGs |alignment=inline |dimensions=300 |description= Floodplains by Design (The nature conservancy) }} {{#evu:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAf3VjQTV44 |alignment=inline |dimensions=300 |description= Catchment area vs. Watershed (Ahsan Khan) }}
Water quality and pollution
- Natural Resources Defense Council: Water Pollution
- USGS’s Water Quality Information by Topic
- Wikipedia’s Intro in Water Quality
Glossary of terms
International Policy Documents, Guidance Reports + Frameworks
- United Nations. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- UN HABITAT. New Urban Agenda
- UN HABITAT. International Guidelines on Urban and Territorial Planning
- UN HABITAT Guiding Principles for City Climate Action Planning
- UN HABITAT Planner for Climate Change
European Policy Documents, Guidance Reports + Frameworks
- Council of Europe The European Landscape Convention
Water Policies
- European Commission Water Framework Directive
- Lecture by Prof. Dr. Michael Roth, NGU, on the Water Framework Directive
- European Commission Floods Directive
- Lecture by Dr. Ellen Fetzer, NGU, on the Floods Directive
- Water Information System for Europe (WISE)
- European Environment Agency Policy Briefing: Why should we care about floodplains?
- European Environment Agency' Delineation of water bodies
- EEA Report No 7/2018 on European Waters
Marine Policies
- European Commission Marine Strategy Framework Directive
- European Commission Maritime Spatial Planning
- European Commission Maritime Spatial Planning European Strategy for more Growth and Jobs in Coastal and Maritime Tourism
- European Commission Integrated Coastal Management
EU Nature Protection Policy
- European Commission Natura 2000
- European Commission Communication on Green Infrastructure
- European Union Biodiversity Strategy 2030
EU Climate Policy
EU Agricultural Policy
- European Commission The Future of the Common Agricultural Policy
- EU Farm to Fork Strategy (2020)
- European Environment Agency (2020): Water and Agriculture: Towards Sustainable Solutions
EU Regional Development Policy
Nature Based Solutions
- European Commission: Evaluating the impact of nature-based solutions - A handbook for practitioners
- Oppla Platform: Natural capital • Ecosystem services • Nature-based solutions
- Think Nature Nature Based Solutions Handbook
Green and Blue Infrastructure
Open Educational Resources
- Lecture recordings, slides, glossary and learning materials
- Language training with expert interviews
- Yaella Depietri, Timon McPhearson (2017): Integrating the Grey, Green, and Blue in Cities: Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Change Adaptation and Risk Reduction
Green infrastructure case studies and policy directives in the European Union
- European Commission. Building a Green Infrastructure for Europe. Publication, 2013.
- European Commission.The Multifunctionality of Green Infrastructure. Directorate General Environment News Alert Service, March 2012.
- European Commission. Towards a Green Infrastructure for Europe: Developing New Concepts for the Integration of Natura 2000 Network Into a Broader Countryside. EC Study ENV.B.2/SER/2007/0076
Basic background on green infrastructure, guidelines for communities
- Landscape Institute. Green Infrastructure: An Integrated Approach to Land Use. Position statement, 2013.
- Landscape Institute. Green Infrastructure: Connected and Multifunctional Landscapes. Position statement, 2013.
- Landscape Institute. Local Green Infrastructure: Helping Communities Make the Most of Their Landscape. Position statement, 2011.
Geodata on Watersheds in Europe
This technical note addresses a) what open spatial data is, b) the various licences that open-data is released under, c) the most commonly used data formats and d) where to find the most useful and relevant datasets for landscape professionals.
- Copernicus Europe´s Eyes on Service - Environmental and land use / cover data provided by the EU under an open license.
- OpenStreetMap - Citizen science project providing topographic geodata around the globe under an open license.
- OpenGeoEdu - Online open course addressing searching, preparing, analysing and visualising open geodata.
- Literature on using geodesign and remote sensing in planning water landscapes
- Geodesignhub (YouTube list) - Geodesignhub educational videos