Literature on using geodesign and remote sensing in planning water landscapes

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  • Beißler and Hack have run living labs on water related topics in Southern American countries. The following paper provides some interesting ideas and concepts on how to include geodata in the living lab:

Beißler, M. R., & Hack, J. (2019). A Combined Field and Remote-Sensing Based Methodology to Assess the Ecosystem Service Potential of Urban Rivers in Developing Countries.

  • Jörg Rekittke and his team have applied various methods of on-the-ground surveying and remote sensing to collect data about rivers in Jakarta, Indonesia, to map rivers and water landscapes as foundation for their landscape planning and design work.

Rekittke, J., Paar, P., Lin, E., & Ninsalam, Y. (2013). Digital Reconnaissance. JoLA-Journal of Landscape Architecture, 8(1), 74–81.