Tartu Downstream WAVE Living Lab 2021
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Area | Emajogi River Downstream | |
Place | Tartu | |
Country | Estonia | |
Topics | Biodiversity, Flooding, Sense of community | |
Author(s) | Please enter your name(s)- optional | |
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Tartu is Estonia’s second biggest city and it grew and developed around it’s river, the Emajõgi. Today the Emajõgi causes problems such as seasonal flooding, which will possibly be enhanced by the planned expansion of the city along its river banks. In our case study site, we also have two communities with strong identities (in Annelinn and in Karlova) and the protected area presentes a huge opportunity to reconnect the city with nature.
Location and scope
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Water as a natural system
Geomorphology, typologies and dynamics of water areas
Emajõgi, or the “mother river”, is the second largest river in Estonia. It is a fully navigable river, approximately 100km long that connects Lake Võrtsjärv to Lake Peipus. It is a relatively flat landscape, as from source to river mouth there is only an elevation difference of approximately 3,5m. The Emajõgi’s catchment area is around 9740km2 and represents approximately 60% of Lake Peipus’ total catchment area and 22% of Estonia’s territory. The Emajõgi has 12 tributaries: Pedja, Laeva, Amme, Koosa, Kavilda, Elva, Ilmatsalu, Porijõgi, Mudajõgi, Luutsna, Ahja and Agali.
The Emajõgi was the birthplace of Estonia’s second biggest city Tartu, first mentioned in written text in 1030. Tartu opened its first hydrometry station named “Tartu (Kvissentali)” in 1867, not an hazardous date, indeed it was also the date of the most important flooding event of Emajogi!
Generally, water in the Emajõgi river fluctuates up to 250 cm and flows rather slowly around 57,9m3/s.
After long winters, snow melts and generates a vast amount of water. This periodic phenomenon can produce floods. It happened quite a lot of time that water rises was approximately around 300 cm (1899,1923,1999,2005,2008, 2009) and caused temporary problems. In 1867, 2010 and 2011 rising waters were 373 (most extreme one’s), 330 and 315 cm. In our case: an urban context flooding period has direct consequences on urban planning surrounding Emajõgi’s dock.
The last important flood event was in 2010, some streets were closed and traffic has been restricted: "The pumping of water, the closure of ditches and other measures taken to prevent flooding have helped to stabilize the situation. Yesterday, the men of the rescue center and the Defense League closed a drainage ditch with a hundred sandbags in Tähtvere Sports Park in order to prevent the increase of the flood area in Supilinn," said Rein Haak, Head of the Urban Economy Department.
In some natural part of the river, flooding constituted a part of the landscape: meadows, bog. However, with climate change, urban sprawl and water management due to the city plan, flooding will increase and at some point constitute a risk for people who are currently living near to the river. To anticipate it, Estonian Government produces assessments and maps showing different futuristics scenarios of flooding (10,50, 100,1000 years).
Besides the Emajõgi, this Living Lab’s study area includes two other significant water bodies, Anne Kanal (9,5ha) and Väike-Anne Kanal (5,5ha). They are both located on the left bank of the Emajõgi in Annelinn, a predominantly Russian neighborhood in Tartu. These canals were excavated during the construction of Annelinn from 1965 to 1971 and intended to be one full lenght rowing canal. The construction of the Sõpruse bridge in 1977, over the original canal, and the need to fill its foundation with soil due to engineering constraints, eventually separated the canal into the two canals we know today.
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Water as a living space
- Which habitats can be found in and along the water areas of your area?
Mostly the Habitats are fishes, birds, insects, flowers etc, that are found near our Study area, Mostly species are protected.
- How is the water quality in your water areas?
Tartu city drinking water is providing mostly by ground water sources and regarding to that, there are 111 bore wells most of which are divided between those ten water intakes located in Tartu [1]. From those the most important are Meltsikivi, Anne and Ropka water intakes. in addition to the bore wells of the public water supply of Tartu city, there are estimated to be over one hundred bore wells located on private registered immovables in the administrative territory of the city. Water in the uppermost part of the Quaternary aquifer is about half of the water consumed as drinking water in Tartu, and there is generally no need to further process it. Water in the Quaternary aquifer belongs to the first quality class. However, groundwater from deeper aquifers needs to be purified before use as drinking water due to the naturally higher content of some substances. Water in aquifers of Middle Devonian and Early-Middle Devonian-Silurian belong in the second quality class due to their high iron content and bore wells water of Ordovician-Cambrian in the third quality class due to their chloride content. All water of Anne water intake is led through the Anne water treatment plant and the water of Ropka water intake through the Sepa water treatment plant. There, the water from the Middle Devonian and Early-Middle Devonian-Silurian aquifers is purified of excess iron by aerating the raw water. Groundwater from the Ordovician-Cambrian aquifer, which is rich in chlorides, is not pumped directly into the water supply network but mixed with the Middle Devonian and Early-Middle Devonian-Silurian water [2].
Along downstream area from Riia old bridge to Sopruse pst bridge there are four ground water sources. They are quintenary well bores which three of them are Silurian-Ordovician (no need of purifying) and an Ordovician-Cambrian well bores which is rich in Chlorides (needs to be processed). On the other hand, The Bathing water Quality of the EmaJogi is Excellent but the quality of Anna Canal is Sufficient for bathing. Overall the water quality of Emajogi is good, near the bank of EmaJogi and Anna Canal there are drinking water bore wells that show the quality of water was excellent for drinking purposes
- Which areas are still natural, which are urbanized/artificial?
Generally, west side of Emajogi river from old bridge up to Sobra is urbanized/industrial and east part of it From Anne Canal until studying border is natural. Although, east part has constructed drainage fields and Anne Canal as artificial lake, still these areas are natural except minor changes as they mentioned. Significant urbanized/industrial areas are Old factory on west part and Anne Canal (constructed during soviet period for Olympic games) on the east part. Adding to that, on the upper part (from Kaarslid bridge) to south direction, there are more modern looking and urbanized constructions on west part rather than east part which is mostly green infrastructure.
- Are the rivers permeable for fish or blocked by artificial elements?(approx 200 signs)
As there is no barrage, Dam or any other structure, so that’s why fishes can easily pass and the river is permeable for fish
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Blue and Green Infrastructure
Green and blue spaces doesn`t have variety in species although magnitude of them is extensive. Generally, water-based (blue) infrastructures are river-embankments, private and public ports and Anne kanal. On the other hand, land-based (green) infrastructures are mostly parks, health trail, series of trees as natural reserved, Anne kanal beach and Ropka-Ihaste Nature Reserve.
Green/Blue Infrastructures
Ülejõe park
The park is located between Narva Road and Emajõgi on the section between Kaarsilla and Vabadussilla. The park houses the Hugo Treffner Monument and the Friedebert Tuglas Monument.
Tartu Keskpark
The park is located in the center of Tartu between Küüni Street, Uueturu Street, Vabaduse Boulevard and Poe Street. The buildings of the park are bounded on three sides ( Tartu department store and GMP Plaza on Küüni street , Soviet-era houses on Poe street, Tartu department store on Uueturu street ), only the side of Vabaduse Boulevard is open, on the other side of which is the green area and Emajõgi
Toomemäe Park
Toomemägi was a gift from Emperor Paul I to the university - this open area had been used by the townspeople as cow pasture. For centuries, Toomemägi was the center of settlement, where the center of the medieval Tartu diocese was located. In the first decades of the 19th century, it became a public park with bridges connecting trees, roads and ramparts planted under the auspices of the plantation committee of the university, which together with the anatomy, observatory and clinic became the center of the city's spiritual life. Toomemägi is one of the favorite places of Tartu residents. There are several playgrounds. Access with pram.
Anne Kanal
Anne kanal was an artificial canal build in soviet time, it construction started in 1965 and it spread on 9.5 hectare of area located on the left bank of Emajõgi River.Between Anne Kanal and Emajõgi River, the is Green Belt which is the include a walking tract more than 1700 meter long and also a Dog training park.
Anne Kanal beach
The Anne Canal bathing place is located in the Anne district, on the left bank of the Emajõgi River. A separate part of the beach is notionally separated for children. This part of the beach has swings, climbing ladders and a slide, as well as a separate bathing area for children. In addition, three ball fields have been built on the Sõpruse bridge side of the beach, where volleyball nets have been installed during the working hours of the Coast Guard. There are log constructions on the lawn for turning and gymnastics. There is a library and two catering establishments on the beach during the bathing season, and ice cream is sold. There is a water toilet next to the Coast Guard building
Ropka-Ihaste Nature Reserve
This natural flood wetland is located across the southern border of the city of Tartu. The Ropka-Ihaste Nature Reserve, formerly known as the Aardla lake botanical-ornithological protected area, which has been under protection since 1991, was issued new protection rules in 2014.
These trees are mainly of cultural-historical and/or aesthetical value. In August 2017, the protection of 14 trees or groups of trees was revoked, as the trees or groups of trees had lost their value or been destroyed, some of them decades ago. Eight of the individual objects under protection are located in the Kesklinn district of Tartu. The trees under protection are surrounded by limited management zones of a radius of 50 meters. In downstream study area, there are six trees as common oak, Swiss pine, group of native tresses, Manchurian walnut, cold-hardy pear tree and Koidula oak.
Emajõgi, or the “mother river”, is the second largest river in Estonia. It is a fully navigable river, approximately 100km long that connects Lake Võrtsjärv to Lake Peipus. It is a relatively flat landscape, as from source to river mouth there is only an elevation difference of approximately 3,5m. The Emajõgi’s catchment area is around 9740km2 and represents approximately 60% of Lake Peipus’ total catchment area and 22% of Estonia’s territory. The Emajõgi has 12 tributaries: Pedja, Laeva, Amme, Koosa, Kavilda, Elva, Ilmatsalu, Porijõgi, Mudajõgi, Luutsna, Ahja and Agali. This is the main Blue Infrastructure, along it banks many green infrastructures are present like parks, green belts etc.
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Water as a cultural space
Land use and water
The river Emajõgi was consider as a silk route for Tartu because for many centuries Emajogi was used a way or route for trading and sailing because in past there is no land connection between Southern and Northern part of Estonia, so river Emajogi is the way of travel and transport. In Past the bank of Emajõgi was used as a open market for timber, for bread,for all dairy products and specially the market for meat,fishes. It was saying that in past tartu city center was a very big business marketplace at the bank of Emajõgi. In 1900s, Emajogi was used as mode of transportation for different cargo to different part of tartu like wood,hay,fishes etc,, so due to Presence of Emajogi ,tartu become the most hub of trading. In that century on Emajogi,there was port established and approximately 200 different types of ships,barges are anchored on the port. But during the mid-century due to World War and due to other issues barges was vanished, After that many new ships are introduced for trade and also near 1960 a ship was daily went to Pskov from Tartu. But with passage of time the transport on Emajogi was stopped due to the construction of new bridges because all the bridges was destroyed during the World War, after that in 1990s the transportation and sailing was completed stop on Emajogi ,later on many attempts were made to start again the trade and sailing but this dream was not fill fulled.
There is another lake in our study area that is Anne kanal, that was artificial canal build in soviet time for the Olympic games, it construction started in 1965 and it spread on 9.5 hectare of area. Later on, canal was divided into two parts due to sopruse bridge. Now it was good place for resting and it was small beach, On this canal fishing competition was organized for fishermen.
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Dorpat, Emajõgi,Estonian National Museum, ERM Fk 359: 399,https://www.muis.ee/museaalview/661560
Market Near Bank of Emajogi, Tartu Turg,https://tartuturg.ee/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/puuturg_2.jpg
Anne canal, sunbathing on the beach. Behind Annelinn. Tartu, 1980,Tartu City History Museums / Tartu City Museum, TM F 935: 272,https://www.muis.ee/museaalView/3242787
Cultural and spatial typologies of water areas
The spatial patterns that have evolved over time in relation to the water area are strongly linked with urban expansion. Creation and main activities in our districts changed spatial patterns. What had been a meadow's part became Annelinn district. Anne Kanal imported another relation with water. Large recreation area popped up, with many different activities, where water was controlled via pipeline, dredging and embankment.
Several infrastructures were designed to enforce relations of proximity between citizens, habits and environment. Along the river, a path is available and pontoons were built to provide outdoor recreation. Nevertheless, this impression is obtainable only on the right bank Annelinn and Ihaste (Anna Kanal and its park contain: paths, beach, benches, board information and other structures). Ropka and Karlova seem to be suffering from their industrial past and look quite disconnected from this ambition. Their banks are generally occupied by old and abandoned factories: access are limited or forbidden. Areas are composed of wilderness, deposit areas for factories or storages, considered as private areas. Areas are not totally disconnected from others…
Tartu has a kind of a long story with its bridges. In fact, its first bridge, also called “bridge of Freedom” , was destroyed in 1944 during the Second World War.
All along the reconstructed time, Tartu needed to connect both banks to develop the city. A long process of bridge construction started, currently there are seven bridges in Tartu, 4 are in our area. Those bridges firstly, connect districts, modify flux and secondly impose a testimony of urban sprawl (and an architecture style) on the landscape.
Victory Bridge is the oldest one. Located in the center of the city, it connects Narva Road to the old city center of Tartu from Turku junction. This Bridge “reinforced concrete” was designed in 1952 and completed in 1957. Since a few years, some modifications were made and some parts repaired and also the bridge received modern design lighting. This bridge has an important flux, mostly the main road of Tartu. Following the logic of city expansion, Sopruse bridge was designed.
Districts on the right bank, for example the new residential area Annelinn needed to be connected with the central activity of Tartu. Design began in the early 1970s. According to the norms of that time, Estonian design authorities were allowed to design bridges with a length of less than 100 meters.The Sõpruse bridge project was completed in 1977. For some technical issues, the date was postponed to 1980. The Sopruse bridge, also called The Friendship Bridge, was finally opened in 1981. This bridge represents huge potential and gives an opportunity to appreciate an overview on ‘the natural part of Tartu’ however the bridge looks old, damages are visible and crossing the bridge as a pedestrian/bicycle isn't enjoyable due to the proximity to the freeway. Nonetheless, the bridge is a quite important spot of street art surely because of its impressive structure.
The Turusild bridge known as Market Bridge is one of the pedestrian (bicycle/ moped are allowed) bridges of Tartu. It connects the commercial center of Tartu with its Market and Annelinn district. It was completed in 2003, “The length of the bridge is 251.5 meters and the hanging part is carried by 7 pairs of rims. The height of the bridge from the water surface of the Emajõgi River is 7.5 meters.” This bridge plays an important role in the landscape and reception from people. In fact, it’s the only way, which crosses the river, without being submerged by the sounds of cars, tracks.
And finally the more recent bridge is located on the southeastern border of Tartu. Named Ihaste Bridge is a reinforced concrete bridge connecting Ihaste and Ropka Industrial districts. The bridge was opened to traffic (constantly and heavy traffic) in 2015.
Bridges link lands and another important factor of influence is the presence of port! In this area, we can find no less than 5 ports all of them are implanted on the left bank!
Two of them are available to everyone, Turusadam and Rebase Paadisadam. Both are nice places for amateur fishermen. Instead of those little ports, Vaike-Tuuusadam, Joe Paadisadam and then Karlova Paadisadam are “official ports” and are lucrative places. Possible to moored boats and to park them, three of them have an aquatic limited area.
Joe Paadisadam is built on pilings and a modest wooden pooton and roof protect the boats. From the other bank this place brings charm out. Unfortunately, it's a private area and a little bit hidden by an abandoned factory located near to it. In general, ports don’t look like they are properly identified as they are and it’s quite messy. Quite hard to define a port/factory/warehouse in those districts.
A large area is considered a Natura 2000 site. Added to that, all around it, many spots record several important category III plant species and also category III animal species. To avoid ravaging, authorities defined another restricted area connected with the Natura 2000 site (Map). Sites are accessible by walk and represent a huge open landscape. Protected from urbanisation, disturbance and human activities. Important to notice that on the other side of the river, a lot of factories, automobile centers, malls, and waste are working.
Sacred spaces and heritage
Districts in this area are recent for this reason, this is no place considered currently as a cultural value. From the National Register of Monuments of Estonian only two buildings are present in our site (both address Kalevi tn 52, Raatuse tn 55 Tartu city, fig.5) located on the perimeter of our site. Young story of our districts didn’t exclude a large amount of influences on the shape/modeling of this area.
Influences had been impacted landscapes:
- Soviet period: in Annelinn, the alternating of buildings with soviet’s print and old wooden houses typically Estonian represent a value of cultural mix.
- Industrial: old factories with tallest chimney can be considered as cultural heritage/ remarkable and convert as an attractive area
Visual appearance and landscape narrative
The Emajõgi is the birthplace of Tartu. It’s meandering path filled with merchants boats and Lodis have been depicted by many in paintings, drawing and photographs. The bridges that stitch Tartu together have also been central motifs. Artists have also registered the development of Annelinn, and the subsequent creation of Anne kanal.
Lydia Koidula (1843-1886), esteemed Estonian poet, entitled her 1867 collection of poems “Emajõe ööbik” (The Nightingale of the Emajõgi River), which expressed budding national sentiments at a time Estonia was part of the Russian Empire:
O, Emajõgi – I see again
Your good smelling banks!
You holy Estonian river!
How you inspire my thoughts!
O, Emajõgi, where Vanemuine's language
Still flourishes,
Where we can still hear
His song and zither;
Where the young still remember
The words and deeds of Kalev
And recall the glory
Of old times
Where tall pillars stand
On his grave
And give spiritual light
To my Estonia.
(Koidula 1969: 77)
The Emajõgi and Tartu’s city life have also been portrayed in Bernard Kangro’s novels, such as the 1961 “Emajõgi”. More recently, Estonian poet, Indrek Hirv has published two collections of poems referring to the Emajõgi: “Toomemägi on Emajõgi” (Toomemägi is Emajõgi), 2016; and “Emajõgi. Luulet 2016–2019”, 2019.
In 2005 the Tartu City Library began to compile an online archive of Tartu’s literary and cultural history entitled: “Tartu ilukirjanduses”. In this archive it is possible to find Sven Vabar’s piece “Tartu kaks lagendikku. Minu jaoks on...” originally published in 2012 in the book Non-Tartu, where he describes the river, Anne kanal and it’s surrounding areas today:
For me, the most important place in Tartu is a piece of meadow next to the Sõpruse bridge. In fact, this abyss is so small and strange that it might deserve the name of a wasteland rather than a marsh. For me, however, he is a failure. The friendship bridge crosses the notoriously long gorge between the Emajõgi and Anne canals, which has nothing. People walk their dogs there. Ducks love to live in the reeds. The antisocials build their dirty nests on the river bank. A large high-voltage tower enters over this empty plot of land. Once upon a time, a mysterious old plane with a shooting range stood by Anne's canal. In summer, this plot of land grows full of tall hay, which is not mowed too carefully. / --- / You have to stand about in the middle of the meadow, a few dozen meters away from the bridge, facing the bridge. On the left rises Karlova, drowned in greenery (unless winter or autumn), on the right rises Annelinn as a yellow stone wall, in the foreground the shopping center of Eden, reminiscent of the deserted cardboard city of Las Vegas from afar, as Berk Vaher once observed. Cars drive continuously across the bridge. Behind him is an endless bush that extends to Old Ihaste. There is probably no one or anything in your vicinity other than hay, low shrubs and single birds. Airplanes sometimes fly in the sky
In the same book, Tanel Rander writes in his text entitled “Jõgi ja jõerahvas. Emajõgi on inimtsivilisatsioonist...”, the resilient natural character of the river, surviving various changes socianted with the city’s history and growth: The Emajõgi is quite untouched by human civilization, because the river has always been surrounded by a river-friendly river nation. Although Holm Island was destroyed and the riverbed changed significantly, and in the city centre the river bank is artificial and the river has been blown up with rubble and debris, the river is still alive and organic.
Postcard. Dorpat, Emajõgi, ERM Fk 358:343, Eesti Rahva Muuseum, http://www.muis.ee/en_GB/museaalview/660054
Postcard. Dorpat (Tartu), before 1914, ERM Fk 275: 14, Estonian National Museum, http://www.muis.ee/museaalview/610205
Erich Leps, Tartu sadam, 1931, TKM TR 3561 M 666/A, Tartu Kunstimuuseum, http://www.muis.ee/en_GB/museaalview/262021
Richard Sagrits, Port of Tartu, 1936, EKM j 58663 M 7584, Estonian Art Museum SA, http://www.muis.ee/museaalview/3334019
Kalju Nagel, Tartu ehitab, 1964 TKM TR 6992 M 1240, Tartu Art Museum, http://www.muis.ee/museaalview/262626
Pencil drawing. Hilda Kamdron, Tartu city view, Prügimäe district 1969., TM _ 1873: 168 K 100, Tartu City History Museums / Tartu City Museum, http://www.muis.ee/museaalview/1391015
Rein Treier, Celebration of Victory Day by the Anne Canal. Speedboat winning. Tartu, May 9, 1986, TM F 1544: 39, Tartu City History Museums / Tartu City Museum, http://www.muis.ee/museaalview/3311129
Water and People
Accessibility and usability
Generally, eastern part of Emajogi is more accessible in contrast with western part. Accessibility can be divided into major categories for pedestrians and vehicles. To be precise, there are five ports located at western part of river as Turusadam, Vaike-Turu Sadam, Joe Paadisadam, Karlova Paadisadam and Rebase Paadisadam which have direct access to water but they are limited as they are only usable for people with authorizations. Based on provided illustration, places with direct access are eastern river shoreline starting from Narva bridge down to end of living lab zone (Idaringtee bridge). Simultaneously, western part has various accessibility obstacles but still those is becoming faded mostly after “Rebase Paadisdam” port. Nevertheless, accessibility quality on easter part is mostly suitable and convenient for pedestrians rather than vehicles. Regarding strengths of spatial obstacles about water accessibility, reasons are various as important ones are private zones and Tartu city embankments. Private sections are commonly dwellings and industrial which preventing people from having direct access to river. Although this problem is negligible on eastern part and even embankments are not a draw back. Last spatial obstacle which contains wide range of eastern shoreline is natural conservation protected site which illustrated on map. Accessibility quality in this area is possible but not convenient even for pedestrians.
Community Mapping
As a result of its recent history, Estonia has a big Russian community and Tartu is no exception. In Tartu, the Russian community tends to concentrate in Annelinn, one of the neighbourhoods of the study area. When going to Annelinn one feels they have entered a different city, surrounded by Soviet architecture and the Russian language.
Tartu is also a student city housing two universities, including the oldest university in Estonia. The University of Tartu and the Estonian University of Life Sciences attract not only Estonians but people from all over the world. Therefore, the city changes completely when the summer holidays arrive, and students go back home. The city becomes calmer and is given back to the locals.
As a result, one could say that Tartu has three different characters: Tartu during the academic year, Tartu during the summer and Annelinn.
For the community mapping, the community was divided into the following categories: Kids, Teenagers, University Students, Parents, Retired and Fisherman. Fisherman where singled out as they are the only one who truly use Emajõgi and Anne kanal almost all year round. Not even frozen water stops them as they resort to ice fishing. All these social groups have specific needs and relationships to the study site as explained in the Social Mapping diagram. It is important to say that, although there is a mix of nationalities in Tartu and that there is social distancing between then (not in the pandemic sense, but from a sociological standpoint), people from the same age group tend to have the same needs, expectations and hopes from the space around them.
Regarding the local stake holders, the area has:
- Schools: Kindergartens, a secondary school, and a school. Both children and teenagers need space to play or to disconnect from the classroom environment. The access to nearby green and blue public spaces can play an important role as their restorative effects have been studied and widely documented. The schools and their pupils can also play an important part in trying the bring communities together as they exist in Annelinn and in Karlova (a typical Estonian neighbourhood).
- Retailers and supermarkets: In the area there are three big shopping centres: Tasku and Kvartal in the city centre and Eeden in Annelinn. Out of the three, Eeden is my far the calmest and does not house a lot of big brands. Thus, there is a need of making it more attractive to the average consumer. Besides the three shopping centres there are also a wide variety of supermarkets which are only easily accessed by car.
- Industrial: There is a concentration of industrial complexes associated mostly to construction and waste management in the south west part of the study area. Along the western riverbank, there are also abandoned industrial complexes that could be reused and transformed into new hotspots for social and economic activities.
- Prison: on the south west edge of the area, there is a prison. In the floods of 2010, the prison was surrounded by water becoming a temporary island.
- Sports centre: The A. Le Coq sports centre is located in Annelinn, text to Eeden shopping centre. It hosted various sports activities and can be used as a concert hall.
- Youth centre: Anne noortekeskus youth centre is in Annelinn next to the local school and kindergarten. The youth centre may be an important ally to further develop the sense of an integrated community and landscape.
- External stakeholder groups are not necessarily present in the environment you are observing, but they may have strong stakes and interests. These can be local authorities, politicians, associations, care services etc.
- For each group, you may identify their needs, objectives, power and capacities
- You may also identify gaps and power conflicts
- Please try to redepict these elements in an integrated way and in relation to your water landscape. What is the relationship between these groups? Are they close or distanced from each other? Who is more powerful? Which voices are hardly heard? Do they have any shared concerns?
Possible Futures
- You can summarize your findings with a SWOT diagram and a DPSI(R) Model
- Link back to the Sustainable Development Goals: Which goals are at risk?
- What is your worst case scenario for this landscape?
- What is your best case scenario for this landscape?
- Present your scenarios in the form of a collage or sketch
- Add text and visuals
Collaborative Goal Setting
- Define strategic planning objectives based on the evaluation findings from your analysis
- Ideally, involve the community of your living labs into this process
- Link back to your original targets from section one and the Development Goals
- 150 words text contribution
There are 3 main Goals that are associated with our study area for the Sustainable Development. • Increase Biodiversity • Sustainable Community • Control Flooding These Goals are link with United Nation Goals for the Sustainable City. Our Study area include green and blue infrastructure and protect area, our goal is to build structure that will not affect the nature and create the recreational spots and help in increasing the biodiversity. Parks and Community centers should be build where people can neighboring districts comes to one place that will help to increase the social life by creating different events under 1 roof that provide opportunity to people to know each other and create a scene of community. As Mostly in Rainy season the urban and protect area are under the Flood, Both Structural and Non-Structural measure should be checked and proposed the best solution in order to control flooding. These are the main goals that help in Sustainable development.
Spatial Strategy and Transect
We proposed the creation of two different although complementary trails, going along the Emajõgi. The first one, The culture trail will link districts together and may involve people in the sense of community’s life. Located near the city center, this one should connect Annelinn and Karlova via permanent activities and events blooming through the years. In the first transect, showing/ pointing out specifically the main intentions of this trail, you will see in more details infrastructures of our site: Community garage (restoration of the old factory) and the Wilderness centre (the new Annelinn garden, which is now known for now as empty or vacant green place). Both are working together and have connection : Community garage gathe different activities however represent a proper and permanent place for Tartu’s fishermans (workshop, boats) and also might offer opportunities to local associations to use potentials of this place to increase district’s life. The second trail named ‘Wet trail’, includes previous intentions while reconnecting urban communities with nature. This path connects corridors with several attractives spots and offers an access to the restricted and protected area Natura 2000 and the new wetland of Ropka Park (industrial district). People will pass through different landscapes (as you can see with the transect 2) during almost 10km in total, it could be enjoyable by feet, rollers and bikes! Bridges permit reconnections of rivers banks. Surelevation of the wooden path may impose distance with area (more responsible and respectful behaviors) and at the same time provides an access constant during the year, whatever flood event. We minimize interventions in those rivers banks, and design a huge wetland (with biofiltration system) to optimize absorption of the excess water during flooding and use this duality as principal aspect in the project design. (t+0, t+10, t+50 maps)
From Theory of Change to Implementation
- For implementing your vision: Which partnerships are needed? Which governance model is required?
- Who needs to act and how? Draw and explain a change/process model/timeline
- Which resources are needed? On which assets can you build?
In order to implement our goal and vision successfully a strong relationship with stakeholders are required. For the successful implementation of project our main stakeholders are Tartu 2024, Tartu Municipally, RMK department and Estonian Government Environmental Protection Department. Additionally, in all 6 areas other stakeholders are also involves like schools, universities, kindergartens, youth organizations to create strong communities around the Emajogi. The governance structure should be like that it’s also include public as important stakeholder and Government departments should listen the concern of every area ,what type of intervention is demand by public in particular area .After discussion with public and other stakeholders intervention should be done. So, for the success of project all these stakeholders should work together for 1 goal then the objective of creating community life, protecting biodiversity and flooding control can be achieved. Complete detail of stakeholder are provided in below in the pictures. also involves like schools, universities, kindergartens, youth organizations to create strong communities around the Emajogi.
- give a full list of the references you have used for your case
Process Reflection
Our group was an intercultural and interdisciplinary team. Two of us are from Asia and the other two from Europe, but none of us is from Estonia. This made us learn about different contexts and share different references, but the estonian language barrier was a problem when it came to research. The other difficulty we faced was time management and how to have time for the Living Lab while keeping up with our school work. The WAVE seminars and the other groups’ presentations gave us interesting insights into other realities, projects and approaches. The WAVE project also made us aware that we are all facing the same problems and that all over Europe there are people ready to better understand them and to take action. In conclusion, for us this was a great learning experience and we would all like to participate in such initiatives in the future.