WAVE Seminar Reading List

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Accessing WAVE Lecture Recordings

Water as a dynamic phenonemon

Water and the water cycle

A bit on geomorphology

Some explanatory videos:

{{#evu:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3J8yK9wBFk |alignment=inline |dimensions=300 |description= What are floodplains? (Geog Raphy) }} {{#evu:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PBT4OEJfGs |alignment=inline |dimensions=300 |description= Floodplains by Design (The nature conservancy) }} {{#evu:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAf3VjQTV44 |alignment=inline |dimensions=300 |description= Catchment area vs. Watershed (Ahsan Khan) }}

Water quality and pollution

Glossary of terms

International Policy Documents, Guidance Reports + Frameworks

European Policy Documents, Guidance Reports + Frameworks

Water Policies

Marine Policies

EU Nature Protection Policy

EU Climate Policy

EU Agricultural Policy

EU Regional Development Policy

Nature Based Solutions

Green and Blue Infrastructure

Open Educational Resources


Green infrastructure case studies and policy directives in the European Union

Basic background on green infrastructure, guidelines for communities

Geodata on Watersheds in Europe

This technical note addresses a) what open spatial data is, b) the various licences that open-data is released under, c) the most commonly used data formats and d) where to find the most useful and relevant datasets for landscape professionals.